Saturday, September 09, 2006

Dubbing in Anime Should be an Option

Watching Naruto on Toonami is so embarrassing to show to my family that it is not even funny. Not only do they crap on all the voices being dubbed into English, they butcher the supposed lines, mess up the animation, and take away the background music. They all sound so idiotic that there is no point in seeing it again in English because it's horrible.

I remember showing my brother who hates all anime Naruto in Japanese with subs and he actually like it a bit. It was cool because I had someone to watch Naruto with late night. I loss a bit of interested with Naruto because of the fillers but I saw that they were coming out with a English version. I started to watch some of the episodes and once Naruto said "Believe It"...I turned off the T.V. Who the F*** are these translators for Naruto so they can get fired for making crap up. He never says that god forsaken phrase that shall be curse to damnation and I think that what solely ruin the show completely in the English Version.

I think these are the same people who ruin One Piece or that what I at least heard. Seriously, whoever is dubbing these episodes or picking the voices for these character should never work again and find a new job before they do more harm.

What networks should do is give us a few episodes in Japanese with subs and the English verison dubbed to see which one we like. Then we (the people) can vote online or text message them and that's how the show will stay from now on.


Watch the current episodes of Naruto at Dattebayo


Sorry for the delay.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn Strait, Im at College this year and the first thing that im enjoying is Cable TV!! Cartoon Network is a bunch of F*** Bakas!!!!! Voice acting for japanese is emotional moving and all the anime has some referance to cultural aspects of Japanese Culture.