Friday, November 02, 2007

A Year In Review: 1 Bad Game

As 2007 comes to an end, I look back on the one of the worst game I've ever come across. That game was Vampire Rain which I had to reviewed for Xbox Evolved. If I can recollect, I couldn't played this game for more than a hour and the fact that I had to review it kept me compel to play it. While I was playing through single player, several thoughts pop into my mind

  • I wonder if the developers knew this game sucked
  • Can I get paid to do such a shitty job
  • I can't wait to sell this on ebay
  • This can be used as a excellent form of torture to terrorist
  • (2 hours in) I am now more depress by playing this game
This game and it controls were retarded.. I quoted as saying "It’s like a 120 year old man trying to dodge a train but he already died from a heart attack.". Some other memorable quotes:

"Vampire Rain is a game that comes once in a life time that makes you appreciate the mediocre games available today."

"The only thing scary in Vampire Rain is how bad it is. I feel sorry for the people who actually had to make this horrible game."

This is why we have reviews, to lure you away from these shitty games. Hurray for Critics!!

Unhonorable Mention: Yaris, it was crap!! End of story.

Next Article: Halo 3 is God? No @ 1pm EST Saturday

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