Friday, November 02, 2007

Halo 3 is God? No

The infinity people have with Halo 3 has to stop. It is not the end all to be all of gaming. The perfect reviews were boaster from hype and it's hard for the media to admit it. The single player was good (co op a plus) and multiplayer is above average. At best it deserves a 9.0 or 9.1 because of all the extra features.

Now I must admit that I bought into the hype, but was left disappointed. I was hoping for a immerse single player, and a diverse multiplayer. All I got was a fun warthog ending with a cliffhanger and shotty snipers. The most fun I had was in Theater because the pics I took were beautiful.. :_)

If the ending wasn't any indicator that a "Halo 4: We Want Money" wasn't coming for the next generation xbox then you're blind. Still, it did present some enjoyable moments with co-op & multiplayer screw ups. It doesn't certifty it as the best game ever but its definitly a must try.

Two things come to mind when verifying Halo 3 Non-Godliness:

  1. After a week, I continued to play Gears of War which is a lot more fun.
  2. I was more satify with Bioshock and a dozen RPGS at the end.
I miss when RPGs were the king of the console. Deep Story, Music, Good Gameplay, those were the days. It came to an end when the Japanese developers couldn't help but make it cheesy as hell. The last thing I needed to see was a CGI Go-Go girls music video taking me out of the world that I've already given up playing.

Oh well, to those who don't have a history playing a multitude of games in the past, this is probably the best of the best. To the rest, it's just another game to delay us from the Game of The Year; Mass Effect. :-)

Hail Western RPGS!! (Mass Effect)

Btw, no one plays Forge and yes, the pic above makes fun of halo 3 graphics.

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