Are Reviews Unreible or are people unsensible?
Lately, there has been a shift between the people who write reviews and the people themselves. I don't pay attention to much into reviews so I can't tell you the trend but I remember popular gaming sites have the same consensus in score. The problem is that I don't how to pinpoint the problem. One thing, it started this generation where all this hopla over scores started. Could it be over zealous fanboys, meta-critic, bias review, site need ratings? Whichever it is, it is hurting the industry as a whole.
How do we solve this problem?
Something that I've been thinking about if the game media industry would banish all scoring whatsoever. This would force people to actually read reviews and determine there own opinion about a possible purchase. That would never happen but the though process is intriguing.
Current Pace:
As things are going now, game journalism is going to lose it credibilty. It persecption of linking journalism with games is bad enough but it to lose credibilty from your own base is saddening.
Can this improve?
Probably not, there are so many sites popping up from no where today that there is going to be one with a different opinon about the rest. Whether they were paid off, bias, or just nuetral, everyone sees things differently.
What people should do?
I honestly don't know. It's the internet after all.