Friday, August 10, 2007

All Pro Football 2K8 Preview

Football is almost here so I thought I write an All Pro Football 2k8 Preview.

All Pro Football 2k8 Preview

Finally, after 3 years All Pro Football 2k8 has finally arrived, loop poling the EA monopoly license has over football. All Pro Football 2k8 first started out as ESPN Football 2k series back on the departed Dreamcast. It was the only football game that rival the madden series, and arguably by many gamers, surpass it in quality. By 2004, ESPN Football 2k5 equaled Madden 2005 in sales, and cutting into EA's money maker. So something had to be done, and EA took control of the football license. This essentially got rid of the competition, and innovation in the football genre. Now that the history lesson is over with, we can get into what All Pro Football 2k8 is going to be delivering this year...

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