Movie Industry DownFall
Had you ever seen a commercial for a movie and said to yourself "Man, that this going to be a instant failure." I think I said it more times this year than ever which got me wondering, why do movie companies sign onto an agreement for lousy movies? Now hindsight is only 20/20 but you had to know for example "Hoot" was going to a instant failure. Who the hell was the publisher, i don't know but their retards.
Right now I'm looking for any movies that I remember seeing that went straight to DVD/PPV. One is "The World Fastest Indian" which is about some Native American who lived to go fast like Ricky Bobby. Apparently the movie sunk in the box office that no one bother to care to report that it sunk in the box office. It was probably to low in revenues to consider it an actually movie and more of a documentary. In this case, hindsight is 20/20 but can you blame the people for the undesirable success of movies today?
The movie industry is not as tightly regulated as the gaming industry to where it can stop crappy movies from getting the green light. This is why that this year there are so many crappy ass animated CGI movies that are out this year which killed any buzz for any other worth-seeing animated/CGI movies. I remember when movies like Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles were novelties but now with all the crappy animated/CGI movies they are kind of losing there buzz. This reminds of the 1980's gaming downfall where the gaming industry had a influx of crappy games that almost killed the gaming industry. Not until Nintendo stepped into the picture that the gaming industry turned itself around with Nintendo green lighting/red lighting projects that were allowed to be on there console. This is where the movie industry is probably at today but less severe, because of the new media outlet we have today.
Of course there are bit torrents where you can download the movie but the bootlegs do not cut it. It is until the DVD comes out for a direct feed to the movie is where the bit torrents comes into play. The movie industry can blame whoever they want and give their intro before the movie starts about how bootlegging/downloading the movie(s) is bad. They can also say how your are stealing from the people who are working on the film but that is not our concern. They should blame the movie industry for putting people into this predicament for overcharging to pay for their crappy ass movies.
Next Article will be Gaming is wasting your life, and Star Trek vs Star Trek: NG.. It's ON!
1 comment:
I actually heard that the fastest indian movie was pretty cool. It's Anthony Hopkins as an old dude who takes an Indian brand motorcycle and makes it go really really fast. Since they don't make Indians any more (they were an early Harley competitor), you can tell that this is set a while ago.
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